Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Radon Competence Centre are committed to making the website of the Radon Competence Centre accessible in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act(WZG) as amended to implement Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 26th of October 2016 on barrier-free access to the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (Official Journal L 327, 2.12.2016, p. 1). This accessibility statement applies to the website

Status of compatibility with the requirements

This website is partially compliant with compliance level AA of the "Web Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG 2.1" and with the applicable European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08), respectively, due to the following incompatibilities and exceptions.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

  1. Incompatibility with Web Accessibility Act (WZG) implementing Directive(EU) 2016/2102: The web pages as well as PDF documents created in 2021 are fully compliant with compliance level AA. Only older PDF documents that are no longer in scope are not fully accessible. See point 3.
  2. Disproportionate burden: The automatic search suggestions of the search function may be difficult to access for screen reader users. The reasons are the open source software used, which is beyond our control, as well as problems some screen readers have with combined text entry/expand fields. The use of the suggestions is not mandatory for the search. As an alternative, direct access to the search results by entering the search term and starting the search function is available.
  3. The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation: older PDF documents created before September 2018 are not fully accessible. Included tables, for example, are difficult to access due to missing table headers, tags for lists are not correctly nested in places, and contrast for graphics is insufficient in some cases. We plan to replace the PDF documents with accessible versions when the documents are next updated.

Creation of this accessibility statement

This statement was created on 2.12.2021. The assessment of the website's compliance with the WCAG for the implementation of the requirements of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 was carried out in the form of a self-test according to WCAG 2.0 in compliance level AA in December 2021. The home page, an overview page, an article page, the search and the search result were checked. Individual page contents are regularly checked by the web editorial team when new content is published.

Feedback and contact details

During the development of this website, great attention was paid to barrier-free design. However, if you notice any barriers that prevent you from using our website - problems not described in this statement, deficiencies in terms of compliance with accessibility requirements - please report them to us at the contact below. We will review your request and contact you as soon as possible. Contact:

Enforcement proceedings

In case of unsatisfactory answers from the above contact option, you may contact the Austrian Research Promotion Agency with limited liability (FFG) by means of a complaint. The FFG accepts complaints electronically via the contact form.

Contact form of the complaints office (Website of the FFG)

The complaints are examined by the FFG to determine whether they relate to violations of the requirements of the Web Accessibility Act, in particular deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements, by the federal government or an institution attributable to it. If the complaint is justified, the FFG must issue recommendations for action to the federal government or the legal entities concerned and propose measures to remedy the deficiencies at hand. Further information on the complaints procedure (Website of the FFG)